Thursday, October 19, 2006

in a fix

should i continue wif my job as my paying is going to be $1K from $500..
or should i go travel and spend all my years of savings?

well seems like she already happy flirting wif that fucker terence or wateva his name.. mutha farker.. so yeah let her childish mind do wat she wants..

hate such in-direct gals man.. childish actions.. really..

well did i regret breaking up wif her? yes and no..

lets start wif why yes..

1) my parents love her
2) she is always there when i needed someone
3) she is actually a very nice gf
4) she is willing to sacrifice alot of stuff for me
5) i miss the times we flew kite both at marina and upper pierce
6) she gives me sweet nice stuff like letters, medicine, food !
7) my cousins and relative love her
8) she is just so willing to do small stuff which drives me gaga~
9) she took damm good care of me when i was really sick
10) sushi is crazy over her

now why no....
1) her mum hates me, perhaps its the typical cantonese thinking(no offence other cantonese) but yeah i dun come from a rich family. so in a way her mum feels i am not "good" enough for her in $$$ wise
2) she gives empty promises
3) she have really childish mentality
4) she sat someone's bike. when the guy should be me ! thats the last straw
5) she has been giving her msn and hp numbers out to guys online while we were together
6) her good friend thinks i suk. cos the good friend is my ex-gf. well~
7) she has tons of pride... will never apologise nor give in
8) she keeps alot of secrets to herself, then wats the point of being together !

well thats abt it..

well i am tired.. 1 whole week of shoot. full day shoots !
fuck lah. damm tired.


Blogger skinnybean said...

hey, what do u shoot? i got the urge to buy the camera i always wanted! hope i am willing to part with my savings for it! :) good day

10:43 AM  
Blogger gabriel06 said...

i shoot products, weddings, u know the normal stuff.. but yeah still in the learning stage of doing fashion as well cheers.. yeah go get a cam !

3:44 AM  

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