Sunday, April 22, 2007


I am proud to announce that i have officially quit smoking !

Since secondary 1 i picked up this fucked up habit of mine.. smoking.. we went to the railway track behind my school... squeezing thru a small hole in the fence out of the school.. as well as up to the stage changing room.. to smoke..

i remember the price of fags costs a mere $1.80 for a pack of 10s its either $1.80 or $2.10.. and then it started to rise to about $11.00 for a pack of 20s now..

i feel that the banning of the 10 stick per pack is a dumb idea ! it just makes people smoke more.. cos smokers would know.. fags will "lao hong" means lose the flavour after about 3 days being open.. so when i started.. we finished 10 sticks in 3 days.. then we had to finish 20 sticks in 3 days ! to prevent it from losing its taste.. so i am so damm sure it made smokers heavier smokers !

well to be honest i dun really feel great quitting smoking.. cos the fag has always been a good buddy of mine..

during my mountain climbing... reaching the peak, after the hard trek up.. nothing beats a ciggs with good friends.. over a cold bottle of sprite or something..

during BMT.. after a long and wet day.. being soaked and having road march.. smoking just before bed time...

during my back packing trip alone in the phillippines.. staring into the sunset... or just lazing by the beach.. i was so lonely to be honest.. it was there.. its hard to explain to other who think.. common! its just a cigg ! hmm.. it has already became a buddy of mine after 11 years of smoking..

wat made me quit?
i dunno man ! its just a thought that all smokers had... to quit smoking.. so i was thinking.. why am i such a slave to something that harms u.. it just didnt make sense ! am i too weak to quit??

so i pushed myself to quit.. ofcos it was damm fucking fucking tough !
how i did it..
1) hang out with smokers less..
2) STOP buying ciggs
3) be strong.. mentally
4) replace ciggs with food-yes i know nothing beats a stick after a good meal !
5) replace ciggs with sweets..

okie thats about it..
well i did suffer from horrible stuff after quitting..

1) my nose bleed for about 2 weeks.. almost every day
2) my coughed blood & black lumps of i think tar.. for about 2 weeks as well
3) my mouth had ulcers which just wun go away..
4) short tempered
5) ate ALOT ! because food starts to taste better once u quit
6) felt damm lonely and sad.. almost like depression mode or something
7) i ate even more.. i am too scared to even weigh myself now ! haha..
8) i felt very breathless when the lift at my work place broke down.. 3 stories only !
9) very very restless, din feel like doing anything..
10) running nose.. thats the most common problem..

but yes now i am smoke free and stuff. i feel happy.. ofcos temptation is always there.. ! but i told myself.. be mentally strong gab !

i had to put my biz plans on hold due to lack in funds as well as din feel like doing anything due to the quitting stage...

so now i am back for more !
hope to launch in june/july..

maybe on my birthday would be cool as well.. :)

signing off


Blogger gohjohan said...

Glad that you're able to quit smoking :)

11:26 AM  

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